News, a brief summary

9/09/2008 07:21:00 pm / The truth was spoken by Rich /

What's occurring here? Well I'll tell you. Not much. I took delivery of a little Asus Eeeeee today. Bless it, it's a tiny little fella that looks like it was made by Mattel. I'm not one for gadgets as it go, but I do seem to have accumulated a few of them recently.

My justification for this purchase was that it would encourage me to spend my days in the corner of coffee shops drafting the best poker novel ever written. I hit a wall as far as my motivation for my Booker prize winning effort goes. I thought if I invested some money in myself I'd get back on it. Not so much money though that I'd be back on the fish finger and pot noodle diet.

A stumbling block with this novel just so you know is in how sophisticated to make the hands that are played out through the course of the game involved in the story. Obviously I'm awesome at poker and I want this to be a poker book for poker players, but I don't want a potential publisher to read it and wonder what the fuck is going on.

On the other hand people, I don't want to compromise too much and it end up being a cliched load of old tosh where quads Aces are beaten by a straight flush while some other dude has a full house and so on, the sort of thing you see in Bond films or any time poker features in TV drama for that matter. I will not whore out my game for the sake of monies. NO SIR! Unless it's A LOT of monies.

I'm also having trouble writing a blow job scene. I get a part way through it and get too aroused by my own prose and need some me time. I might cut that scene or I'll never get this thing written.

In other news, another trip to Slovenia was on the cards in October until I realised it coincided with the APAT Pro-Am event that I promised myself I'd win. Just by the law of averages I should hit a flop in one of these events eventually, so I've crossed my fingers it'll be this one. Luton might not have as much to offer as Nova-Garica, but I'll tolerate it and they don't have the dangerous 80 cent wine there to cloud my judgement.

That is all.



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