Richie's getting angry. I've been researching this whole climate change AGW nonsense recently and it really is astonishingly draw droppingly bullshit. My dander is well and truely up. There's not even a smidgen of real science behind it all. The IPCC which represents this bullshit "consensus" of leading scientists is a UN body, which should tell you all you need to know about it's efficiency. Everything the UN touches turns to shit. It is both literally and metaphorically a political movement.
These IPCC mo' fo's should all be tied to a solar panel and roasted over dozens of years. It would take dozens of years, so ineffective are they, but they would be kept alive by drinking their own piss and the administering of vitamin supplements so as to suffer the most excruciating death imaginable.
I'd start with the IPCC chairman "Dr" Pachuari..this is the dude who suggested a few months ago that we should all become vegetarians so we wouldn't need to breed so many cows and therefore the CO2 emissions from cow farts would be reduced enough to save the planet. Meanwhile he's a devout Hindu, a religion which believes the cow to be sacred! His Ph.D is also in Industrial Engineering and Economics not Climatology.
I've ordered several Chinese wire jackets in case any of these Climate Change nazi's ever come a knockin' round these parts. They'll never see day light again. Ahaahahahahaha. They want cuts, I'll give them cuts.
As we speak the House of Lords has declared that in order for a property to be declared a "main residence" the peer in question only has to have spent one day a month there during the year while the house of lords was in session. One day a fucking month? Essentially this gets nine peers - all guilty of fraud - off the hook in one broad stroke.
My frustration has been compounded by the fact that I have just been sat in darkness with just a couple of little candles for light as I thought a power cut had occurred. Only when I noticed the lights on in the bungalow across from me did I realise it was just my place and all I needed to do was reset the trip switch. I of course blame MP's and Climate Change nazi's for this.
I was about to email Obama about all this, but instead I bought a new jacket on the Ebays. He's lucky as my email would really have been very stern indeed. Several other attempts to email in about my frustrations have been aborted in favour of buying other items including a Sky + box and a some shaving accessories. I get distracted easily and it's lucky for them I do.
Some time in the future though I'm afraid there will be a lengthy climate change blog here, it's building up inside me like a freaking volcano. Speaking of Volcanoes, did you know they emit more CO2 per year than all man made emissions put together - everything, airtravel, industry, cars everything - how many volcanoes erupt a year? Not many. Bastards.
I'm telling you, Portsmouth better win tonight or I shall probably burst like a bally balloon.
: Labels: Nonsense, Politics, Random Post
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