They killed off Chris!

12/04/2008 06:18:00 pm / The truth was spoken by Rich /

There's a new nerd on Eggheads! Blimey, when did that happen? Have they been reading my blog I wonder. I was just saying how shit Chris had become and now they've ditched him. They've got a creepy new dude on their called Barry and it doesn't look like the other Eggheads have taken to him.

What is it about the name Barry that seems to render it's owner as deeply disturbed and sexually repressed or just plain dorky? Fascinating stuff. He got beat tonight possibly by another Barry.

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Comment by Unknown on 4 December 2008 at 23:01

They haven't ditched him they just take it in turns to have a day off now. The new guy is a total nerd and its a 1.6 shot that he's never kissed a girl in his life.

He knows his stuff though, i think CJ is the weakest.

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