April Fool

4/02/2009 12:20:00 am / The truth was spoken by Rich /

See this, it's a wig shop. Until today I'd never seen a wig shop and I was mildly amused by it. Then I was confused by it as this shop is in the foyer of the new wing of the Churchill Hospital and it seemed a strange location for such a shop.

Then the alarming realisation of why it was there finally dawned on me and I felt a very heavy-hearted and profound sense of sadness and like an insensitive fool.

Anyway, ..so this will be a post mainly for fellow CFers. Today was my annual review. An MOT for people if you will. I do so hate this day. I start to become anxious about it a few weeks before hand.

Not because I'm concerned about the results, I stopped worrying about that sort of thing a long time ago - I get anxious because I don't like to be prodded and sealed in glass boxes and asked questions about the strength of my pelvic floor muscles. David Blane might make millions from this sort of thing, but for me it's rather intrusive and horrible.

Also hospitals are such gloomy places too no matter how new and shiny they are and I always come away from the place with unshakable melancholy and sympathy for the people who, unlike me, can't leave and have had such distressing and overwhelming circumstances imposed on them - far worse than mine - like the people who have to shop at Jaqueline's.



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