En gage

6/23/2008 04:06:00 pm / The truth was spoken by Rich /

I’ve just been watching Star Trek: The next generation. Why are they all French? The original Star Trek was all British names, now they’re all French. What’s that all about? Original Star Trek had a captain called James, now it’s Jean-Luc; there was a McCoy now there’s Deanna Trois; there was Scotty, now there’s La Forge; Uhura, which isn’t British per se, I mean as such, but certainly Commonwealth, now there’s Data - which of course is French for information.

What sort of board meeting was it that’s made them decide this was a good idea? It’s cause they wanted less fighting innit? Kirk was always fighting in the original Star Trek. He was always taking the Enterprise into battle. They killed more aliens in one episode than Picard in his whole career. It’s all exploration now and diplomacy, which is just French for running off - Prime directive my harris. You wouldn't have seen Kirk run off when the Romulans were spoiling for a rumble. Splitters.


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