I'm dry wretching as we speak

11/07/2007 10:21:00 am / The truth was spoken by Rich /

They're just saying this to annoy me now I think. I was saying just a few days ago that science boffins spend all their time doing fuck all and then publish some extremely tenuous conclusions and theories in the medical journals to justify their funding, when this load of horse-hockey masquerading as medical research appears between the useless pages of the Pediatrics Journal; "Sleep may cut childhood obesity."

First of all American Scientists, if you can't even spell Paediatrics properly don't expect your research to be taken seriously. Secondly, this is bullshit. If a kid slept for 24 hours for a month, which is basically a coma, then maybe a few lbs would be lost, but it's not a lack of sleep that causes obesity in children is it? It's simply the fact that kids today do fuck all in the way of exercise and spend most of their waking moments eating cakes and chocolate. You don't need a Ph.D to appreciate the consequences of consuming 4000 calories a day in chocolate if the only physical exertion in your day is lifting your fat arse off the sofa to go and get more chocolate.

Some of these kids could get ten hours sleep a day and they'd still have plenty of time to wade through a box of celebrations, a tub of strawberry ice cream and a kilo of chocolate flap jacks. I'm sorry fat kids, but if there's one single child in your class who gets no sleep and is still thin, then this research is worthless. Surely the reason you feel hungry more often if you only get five hours sleep per night than someone who gets eight hours, is because you're awake longer and need more fuel to keep you going, but that doesn't give you license to eat two kilo's of chocolate mousse before school.

The reason so many kids are fat little bastards now is because the blame has been taken away from the parents. In fact, parents are no longer held accountable for their children's development in any way shape or form. They have been completely assuaged from responsibility. If a child is 7 years old and weighs the same as a Fiat Punto, it's their glands. If a kid is 13 and been arrested once a week since his 8th birthday, society has let the poor little darling down. If by school leaving age a kid can't even hold a pen properly let alone pass an exam, it'll be the lack of funding in Comprehensive schools.

For this I blame political correctness, human rights activists, the European Union and call centres. You're no longer allowed to point the finger of blame at someone without breaching their human rights. Consequently, parents (most of whom appear to be children themselves) are now free to rear the most hideous generation of blubbery pigeon toed illiterate foul mouthed shits and since they're under no pressure from anyone to provide them with any form of nutrition, either in their diet or any other area of their upbringing, they can meander down the parenting path of least resistance providing minimal moral guidance, only one or two hugs per year and food that comes out of a box that tastes better than the food. That's why Mums go to Iceland.


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