A beautiful mind? Are you shooooowa?

10/15/2007 04:49:00 pm / The truth was spoken by Rich /

I'm still pretty hyper from earlier so it goes without saying this entry won't make any sense.

So, the other day 'A Beautiful Mind' was on TV. Russel Crowe starring, an adaption of the biography by Sylvia Nasar of the life and times of John Forbes Nash. I didn't watch it all cause I don't really like films about mentalists, so I'm still confused as to why it's called the Beautiful Mind.

Ostensibly this is about a mathematics dude who goes crazy cause he thinks the Russians are after him and he shags one of his students and eventually he wins the Nobel Prize for mathematics. Fair do's, but what's beautiful about his mind pray tell?

If from his mind were born wonderful sculptures or poems or novels or musical compositions, then fair enough, these things are beautiful..but what's so beautiful about doing long division quickly? Is a calculator beautiful? I think not. That's the sort of thing the Germans might find beautiful, but people with emotions and a soul ought to just view it as genius.

Not that I'm belittling genius, some of those crazy autistic freaks can do mind boggling stuff, it's fascinating, it's just not beautiful; especially when you do something seemingly innocuous like pat them on the shoulder and they suddenly fly into a violent rage and you end up having to chain them to a radiator or something.

As for nobel prizes, I think Al Gore as demonstrated what a nonsense they are and I think the less said about knobbing your students the better.

Thumbs down from me I'm afraid Hollywood.


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