Aye Carumba!..is this a joke or not?

6/05/2007 06:32:00 pm / The truth was spoken by Rich /

This is the logo for the London Olympics in 2012. You know how sometimes when you spend an extended amount of time on your own, you have thoughts and ideas and then you go out for a while, spend some time with friends and then realise in hindsight that your ideas were utter shite and very embarrassing; I'm guessing this is how the British Olympic Committee are feeling about now after being duped by a marketing company into thinking this logo was inspiring and cutting edge and modern.

Surely this was met with childish sniggers from the waiting media when it was unveiled and the Olympic committee, all eager and proud to show off their logo, must have immediately felt their blood turn to ice and their faces burning red as they realised from the guffaws and out and out hysterical laughter from the assembled media that something was wrong.

I imagine some of them took furtive glances at their flies to make sure they weren't exposing themselves, they may have checked their noses to make sure they didn't have a bogey hanging off, perhaps they all stared at each other all equally baffled as to why four members of the tabloid media have collapsed and two others have clearly pissed in their own pants.

Finally, when the hysterics had died down and claimed two or three lives, and the questions and answers session could finally begin, the monstrous fuck up they just dropped £400,000 on became evident when someone enquires from the back, "erm..do you think perhaps this logo looks a bit like Lisa Simpson giving Bart a blowjob?"

Sebastian Coe has defended this typically British cock-up by suggesting to those childish enough to find it funny that, "it's not a logo, it's a brand that will take us forward for the next five years."

What the hell does that mean? Take us forward? How will it do that exactly? I fucking hate that kind of language. Politicians really do talk shite. They're worse than hairdressers. Both can talk for ages without saying anything, but at least you get a fucking hair cut at the end with a hairdresser.

These Olympics will cost £20billion. We'll be paying for them for the rest of time. Surely they can sell themselves can't they? We shouldn't need a logo or a brand name to take them anywhere. If the Olympics costing this much can't sell itself without the help of cartoon porn then we shouldn't have them in the first place.

Jesus!!! Did I miss something? Are our hospitals now like palaces? Do doctors and nurses now receive six figure salaries? Are there no more homeless people? Are children being educated and fed properly now? Isn't there still a war on? Have we got £400,000 to chuck away on this sort of thing? Have we got £20billion handy so we can all watch minority sports for a couple of weeks five years from now? Cause if we have I'd like to apply for a grant to have my house bronzed. Oh, and I need a bionic arm too please, so I don't get tired wanking to cartoon porn.

Oh...I'm just hearing that the animated version of this logo (hahahaha) ought not to be shown on TV as it may cause seizures in epileptics. Seizures and offense I'll wager.



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